We hold a variety of creative, unique and exciting events to engage our students at Gobind Sarvar
Gurmukhi students will be hosting a Kavi Darbar on June 11, 2016 at 7pm in commemoration of our Father, Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji...
Come check out our Little Khalsa Club performers on June 18th curtains open at 6:15pm. Its going to be an epic event you don't want to miss!...
Gobind Sarvar hosted its first ever Chaunkri Challenge on May 19, 2012. The goal of the challenge was...
The students of Gobind Sarvar are encouraged to become actively involved in their community and volunteer their skills...
An event for all both Parents and Students, it is a fun packed day for the entire family and community to come together...
It is understood at Gobind Sarvar that not all learning takes place in the classroom and a change to a more active...
Gobind Sarvar held its first ever summer camp from Aug 14-18, 2013. The Gobind Marg Summer Camp was...
Gobind Sarvar students took part in the exciting and very competitive 6th Annual Shudh Gurbani Uchaaran Competition...
Gobind Sarvar successfully held its 7th Annual Hockey Tournament taking place on Aug 16-17, 2014 for the...
Gobind Sarvar Surrey successfully hosted its first ever Little Gursikhs Summer Camp from July 8-13 for ages 3-7 years...
In 2012, the Youth of Gobind Sarvar organized their first Sahibzadey Simran Smaagam in remembrance of the Four Sahibzadey...
The 3rd Annual Gobind Sarvar Sikh History Competition was held in May 2014 and within 3 days of registration...
Gobind Sarvar Surrey successfully hosted its 2nd Annual Gurmukhi Speech Competition. Students as young as 3 years...
Every semester Gobind Sarvar hosts a Gurmukhi Spelling Bee. The top 10 students with competitive academic grades...
Maintenance of physical health is highly encouraged at Gobind Sarvar. Competetive events are held throughout...
Gobind Sarvar is proud to retain the undefeated title in the U12 Boys Field Hockey Junior Team which has worked hard to...
In 2012, the Youth of Gobind Sarvar organized their first Vaisakhi Simran Smaagam to give thanks to Guru Sahib Ji for...
Designed for students to put into practice and present what they have learned,...
Gobind Sarvar School Surrey hosted their 2nd annual drawing contest and challenged the students to draw...